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Welcome to Stockport Pharmaceuticals

Welcome to Stockport Pharmaceuticals, a Pharmaceutical manufacturer specialising in Sterile, Non-sterile, Aseptic and Clinical Trial Special Products.

The website is designed to provide information to healthcare practitioners and new customers on the facilities available, the range of products prepared and the levels of service and quality that is entrenched in our mission statement.

If you are looking to ask for advice or help, enter into discussion regarding product development or generally seek advice on NHS specials Manufacture then Stockport Pharmaceuticals is the right place for you.

If you are a healthcare professional, then you need to be registered to receive the full benefits of this website.

If you are a customer, please feel free to browse through the website at your leisure.

Alternatively, you can call us on the general enquiries number above.

‘Meeting Our Customers needs’

We are always happy to work together with our customers to develop quality products to suit their individual requirements. Whether you require one or several thousand items, we can supply you with a reliable, quality product.

Mission Statement –

‘To produce a wide range of high quality non-commercially available pharmaceutical specials’